Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, ...: In Harm's Way

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(Presented as a public service of the china– web–site.)


Version: December 4th, 2,005

A compilation of information is presented about the geological resources of nations with actively–violent religious extremists, and its effective use in support of anti–terrorist activities.

To see the present status of in–process information about a specific hostile country, click on its colored name, below.




North Korea



This collection of unclassified military intelligence studies, in total, is dedicated to Johnny Cash. While best known as a musician and singer of original Country–and–Western Songs, he is a minor legend in the intelligence community for his contributions as an Intel Grunt during the early 1950s, in Germany. Johnny Cash exemplifies the many who labored in quiet obscurity, sometimes in hazardous environments, within the intelligence community.

During the 1960s, Johnny Cash was an outspoken supporter of individual servicemen and –women, at a time when patriotism was met with vitriolic disdain by many, especially in Hollywood, and in the entire entertainment industry. In consequence, Johnny Cash suffered extreme ostracism from the self–styled liberal–left elite, an exclusion that cost him dearly, both financially and professionally. In spite of this fierce opposition, Johnny Cash, with his wife, June Carter Cash, went, in 1969(?) on an unpublicized tour of military intelligence bases, where they provided entertainment and most meaningful pep–talks to lonely military men, far from home. Johnny Cash made sure that the lower–ranking servicemen were not pushed aside from the best seats, etc. I was one of those enlisted men: in part due to Johnny Cash's patriotism, I extended my service for an additional year. Many others re–enlisted.

Even though they are now both deceased, I want to publicly thank both Johnny & June on behalf of all of us who so enjoyed their entertainment, and for taking the substantial personal financial loss in making it possible. As a fellow veteran, I take off my hat to Johnny Cash, and salute him, in respect for his genuine patriotism.